Public Notices


The English Counties Assembly

The English Federation

28th February 2025
The English Counties Assembly Coordinators
[email protected]
Public Lawful Announcement
Elections for The English Federation Public Officials
Special Elections are ongoing until vacant positions are filled.

Please be advised that: This Public Lawful Announcement is to populate vacant official positions for The English Federation: -
          General Assembly Executive Officials,
          Four Pillar Assembly Officials,
          Recording Secretary
nominations are to be voted on at the first meeting on 31st March 2025.

Additionally, The Common Law Courts within the physical boundaries of England are established and confirming the fact that The English Federation Assembly is in Session.

We the People, will be holding an election for The English Federation Officials held by video conferencing on 31st March 2025, beginning at 7:30PM. There will be a brief presentation starting at 7:30PM and the election by yays, nays or abstains will be at 8:00PM. All qualified electors are invited to the election for The English Federation.

Ongoing Special Elections Announcements will be published to The English Federation members. Must be a qualified elector: English County Citizen or English County National living on England for at least one year and a day.
         End Announcement

Original Proclamation: Wednesday 18th of December 2024.

We, The English People, being Lawful Persons on and of our Historic English Counties, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble, on Saturday the 18th January, in the year of 2025. 12:00 PM at the following location:

The Winchester Royal Hotel, St Peter Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8BS

We will peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and to formally create and stand those entities required to represent our Historic Counties as a union of nations, for the purposes of mutual defence, prosperity and freedom of movement; and we invite you to join us.

With the authority of the Lawful Government of the United States of America (unincorporated), and with the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reitzinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary and hold her interest of all public assets of United Kingdom, and UNITED KINGDOM, INC,

Payment Bond, AMRI00003 RA393427653US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court

Therefore, all public assets and utilities owed shall be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known;

The English Counties Assembly and The English Federation; are not incorporated or registered in any way.

Is a Lawful Government, for the people, of the people, by the people. Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.

Is on the Land and Soil jurisdiction; the “United Kingdom” is incorporated, and is defined as a “territory”, the definition of a territory, is the water up to and including the shoreline, so the “government” has been acting in the jurisdictions of the air and water. LAW = land+air+water. In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your “legal” statutes and acts are fictions, and they carry no jurisdiction over living men and women whatsoever who stand on the land and soil.

Let it be known there shall be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of The English Counties Assembly: ‘RE’SET”, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”

A Maxim of Law: “Fraus est celare fraudem”: “It fraud to conceal a fraud and it is fraud to aid and abet fraud;

Therefore, if you are a person – i.e. a “resident”, a “voter”, a “citizen”, a “subject, etc. – you have a conscious decision to make, for it we the people who are the government and not “corporations acting as persons”. Come and restore “your” government as we officially re-assemble. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum. The meeting details are listed above, including the time of commencement: become involved in The English Counties Assembly – join us.

The agenda for the meeting shall be:

  • the presentment of The English Counties Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction:
  • the presentment of The English Federation Land and Soil Jurisdiction:
  • The English Federation Recording Secretary seals for the approval; and,
  • the announcement of the opening of nominations for The English Federation offices. The specifics of which will be discussed in the meeting.

In Peace and Harmony

Geoffrey Robert Cook;
Stephen Tovey;
David Adelman;
Richard Parris;
England Coordinators

For Somerset Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men and women;

Original Proclamation:  Saturday the 14th of December in the year 2024

We, The People on Somerset Assembled, being Lawful Persons on and of our Historic Somerset County, on Wednesday the 15th day of January in the year 2025. We  being Lawful Persons on and of our Historic Somerset County, will be gathering together on the county of Somerset.

We shall peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction. We are proceeding with the support of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated). This includes the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary having established a superior claim of right and fiduciary interest in all public assets of the United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC via:

Payment Bond, AMRI00003 RA393427653US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court.

Therefore, all public assets and utilities owed shall be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known:

The Somerset County Assembly:

Is not incorporated or registered in any way;

Shall be a Lawful Self-Governing Body, for the people, of the people and by the people;

Shall not be subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self- defining as Government Authority;

Shall be on the Land and Soil jurisdiction;

Let it be known:

The “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and a “territory”, which we comprehend to be defined as “the water up to and including the shoreline”, so the alleged “government” has been acting in the jurisdictions of the air and water;

LAW= land+air+water. For real law to exist it needs to exist in all three jurisdictions of Land, Air and Water. The only place this can happen is in the land and soil jurisdiction. In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your ”legal”, not limited to: ‘statutes and acts’, are fictions, and they carry no jurisdiction over living men and women, whatsoever who stand on the land and soil; 

Let It be known:

There shall be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Somerset County: “RE’SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”:

A Maxim of (Roman Civil) Law states: “Fraus est celare fraudem”,               “It is fraud to conceal a fraud”. Equally, it is a fraud to aid and abet fraud.

The agenda for the meeting shall be:

  • The updating of ancient Law to allow women equality of standing with immediate effect;
  • Presentment of the Somerset Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for approval;
  • The announcement for the opening of nominations for Somerset County Business Assembly offices.
  • Setting the next date for the Somerset Assembly meeting.

In the existing legal and corporate alleged “government” system which operates in sea and air jurisdictions, the term ‘register’ means give up your rights to what ever you have registered. Hence you are not the owner of your vehicle, as you ‘gave it away’ to the alleged “government”, (‘without being given full disclosure, and without your consent’ = fraud),  instead you are the keeper only. The giving away what you have registered to the alleged “government” without your prior knowledge and consent, also applies to: your sons and daughters under 18 years old; your home(s); automobile(s); land; farms; businesses; pets; animals/livestock; etc.

The corporate ‘legal and political system’ cannot create Real Law and is not lawful, therefore we have be born into, and have been living in a system of fraud, lies, deceit and corruption.
Thankfully the evil can be undone and the criminals held accountable. 

The service corporations pretending to be ‘governments’ have presumed and imposed a status on you, and your family, all of us, over many generations with significant negative consequences in people’s lives.

They want to keep all people poor, unhappy, and controlled. They want perpetual war, which the people never want – only the ‘politicians and the cabal’ want this.

So for the Good News: Where there is fraud, lies, deceit and corruption,    we can remove all those! There are Positive, Real Solutions which return the power to the people, as we have claimed England’s ‘land and soil jurisdiction’ (the physical country) for people in Sept 2022. This will enable the people to live in Freedom, Harmony, Peace and Abundance and to help the people and their families, communities and businesses thrive!

We have been putting our efforts, into research and into Real Solutions to enable all this to happen. At last there is a choice to have real freedom, prosperity, simple laws that are easy to learn, teach. 

There will be accountability in our own lawful courts for those have been harming, stealing and unlawfully taxing our people for many generations. 

We call upon all those who claim to be a legal person – i.e. a “Resident”, a “Voter,” a “Citizen” a “Subject”, etc. to take time to consider their true status. For it is the people, i.e., living ‘men and women’ with a soul, who are the lawful self-governing body and not “corporations acting as persons”.

You are invited to come and help restore “your” true governing body as it officially re-assembles. Otherwise, non-active attendance will also be welcomed and appreciated. Pax Vobiscum (peace be with you). 

At a later date, we will invite the public and English County Nationals (also the public), to attend a Somerset Assembly meeting.

At this time, English County Nationals (those who have already corrected their status) can be involved in elections for offices and other roles in the Somerset Assembly on the land and soil. 

Now is the best time to be alive and live the way you want to:

It is time to reclaim your true birth right lawful status, reject and get out of the evil ‘legal’ sea jurisdictions that you are in, return to the correct jurisdiction and on England the land and soil. Only recently have people here and internationally have been able reclaim their true lawful status!  Lets plan our futures, for you, our families, our communities, our county and country!

For those who would like to have the same opportunity as we have had, to reclaim their true lawful status on England’s land and soil, to be involved in the Somerset Assembly, and have the same significant benefits and be involved in the Somerset Assembly, then please come along to the next Somerset Assembly meeting. The details of this meeting will be arranged and published in due course, with a contact point so you can get the details of the date and time and the location.

In Peace, Love and Harmony,

Stephen Tovey
Somerset County Coordinator

For Essex Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men and women;

Original Proclamation: Saturday 7th of December in the year 2024

We, The People on Essex Assembled, being Lawful Persons on and of our Historic Essex County, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble, on Saturday the 11th day of January in the year 2025. 11:00 AM at the following location:

Carlton House, Aylmer Road, Leytonstone , Essex. E11 3AD.

We shall peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us. We are proceeding with the support of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated). This includes the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary having established a superior claim of right and fiduciary interest in all public assets of the United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC via:

Payment Bond, AMRI00003 RA393427653US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court

Therefore, all public assets and utilities owed shall be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known;

The Essex County Assembly; Is not incorporated or registered in any way;

Shall be a Lawful Self-Governing Body, for the people, of the people and by the people;

Shall not be subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self- defining as Government Authority;

Shall be on the Land and Soil jurisdiction. The “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and a “territory”, which we understand to be defined as “the water up to and including the shoreline”, In Natural Law, in land and soil jurisdiction, all “legal” statutes and acts become fictitious, carrying no authority over living men, women, boys and girls who proclaim to be standing on the land and soil.

Let It Be Known, there shall be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Essex County: “RE’SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”:

A Maxim of (Roman Civil) Law states: “Fraus est celare fraudem”: “It is fraud to conceal a fraud”. Equally, it is a fraud to aid and abet fraud;

We also call upon all those who claim to be a legal person – i.e. a “resident”, a “voter, a “citizen” a “subject”, etc. to take time to reconsider their true status. For, it is the people, i.e., living men and women with a soul, who are the lawful self-governing body and not “corporations acting as persons”. You are invited to come and help restore “your” true governing body as it officially re-assembles. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum (peace be with you). Otherwise, non-active attendance will also be welcomed and appreciated.

The agenda for the meeting shall be:

  • the updating of ancient Law to allow women equality of standing with immediate effect;
  • presentment of the Essex Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for approval;
  • and the announcement for the opening of nominations for Essex County Business Assembly offices.

In Peace and Harmony,

Dwight Wood
Lewis Peng Yong Wood
Interim Essex County Coordinators,

For Kent Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men and women;

Original Proclamation: Saturday 7th of December in the year 2024

We, The People on Kent Assembled, being Lawful Persons on and of our Historic Kent County, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble, on Friday the 17th of January in the year 2025. 11:00 AM at the following location:

Blackthorne Trust CafĂŠ, St Andrews Road Maidstone ME16 9AN

We shall peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us. We are proceeding with the support of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated). This includes the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary having established a superior claim of right and fiduciary interest in all public assets of the United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC via:

Payment Bond, AMRI00003 RA393427653US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court.

Therefore, all public assets and utilities owed shall be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known;

The Kent County Assembly; Is not incorporated or registered in any way;

Shall be a Lawful Self-Governing Body, for the people, of the people and by the people;

Shall not be subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self- defining as Government Authority;

Shall be on the Land and Soil jurisdiction. The “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and a “territory”, which we understand to be defined as “the water up to and including the shoreline”, In Natural Law, in land and soil jurisdiction, all “legal” statutes and acts become fictitious, carrying no authority over living men, women, boys and girls who proclaim to be standing on the land and soil.

Let It Be Known, there shall be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Kent County: “RE’SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”:

A Maxim of (Roman Civil) Law states: “Fraus est celare fraudem”: “It is fraud to conceal a fraud”. Equally, it is a fraud to aid and abet fraud;

We also call upon all those who claim to be a legal person – i.e. a “resident”, a “voter, a “citizen” a “subject”, etc. to take time to reconsider their true status. For, it is the people, i.e., living men and women with a soul, who are the lawful self-governing body and not “corporations acting as persons”. You are invited to come and help restore “your” true governing body as it officially re-assembles. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum (peace be with you). Otherwise, non-active attendance will also be welcomed and appreciated.

The agenda for the meeting shall be

  • the updating of ancient Law to allow women equality of standing with immediate effect;
  • presentment of the Kent Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for approval;
  • and the announcement for the opening of nominations for Kent County Business Assembly offices.


In Peace and Harmony,

David Mark Adelman
David Anthony Scott
Interim Kent County Coordinators

The Devon Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men and women;

Original Proclamation: 19th November 2024

We, the Devon Assembly, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us and assemble on the 18th of December in the year 2024. 12:00 PM at the following location:

Penn Inn, Torquay Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4AQ

We will peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us.

With the authority of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated), and with the full support of of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary and hold her interest of all public assets of United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC, all public assets and utilities owed will be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known;

The Devon Assembly; Is not incorporated or registered in any way.

Is a Lawful Government, for the people, of the people and by the people.

Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.

Is on the Land and Soil jurisdiction; with

The “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and is defined as a “territory”, the definition of a territory, is the water up to and including the shoreline, so the “government” has been acting in jurisdictions of the air and the water.

LAW = land + air + water

In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your “legal” statutes and acts are fictions, and carry no jurisdiction over living men and women whatsoever, who stand on the land and soil. Let it Be Known, there will be no economic “reset” on the land and soil.

Let it Be Known, there will be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Devon County: “RE’SET, noun in Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of a criminal”

Maxim of Law: “It is fraud to conceal a fraud and it is fraud to aid abet fraud.

Therefore if you are a person i.e. a “resident”, a “voter”, a “citizen”, etc., – you have a conscious decision to make, for, it is for the people who are the government and not “corporations acting as persons”.

Come and restore “your” government, as we officially re-assemble. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum. The meeting details are listed above, including the time of commencement: become involved in your Devon General Assembly.

Join us.

The agenda for the meeting will be the presentment of the Devon Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for approval and the announcement the opening of nominations for Devon Business Assembly offices.

The specifics of which will be discussed in the meeting.

In Peace and Harmony,

Stephen Cook Devon Coordinator


The Yorkshire Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men and women;

Original Proclamation: 27th September 2024

We, the Yorkshire Assembly, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble on

We, the Yorkshire Assembly, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us and assemble on the 3rd November, in the year of 2024. 12:00 PM (BST) at the following location:

The Black Swan Inn, 23 Peasholme Green, York, YO1 7PR

We will peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us. With the authority of the Lawful Government of the United States of America (unincorporated),
and with the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reitzinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary and hold her interest of all public assets of United Kingdom, and UNITED KINGDOM, INC,
all public assets and utilities owed will be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known;

The Yorkshire Assembly; is not incorporated or registered in any way.
Is a Lawful Government, for the people, of the people, by the people.
Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.
Is on the Land and Soil jurisdiction; the “United Kingdom” is incorporated, and is defined as a “territory”, the definition of a territory, is the water up to and including the shoreline, so the “government” has been acting in
the jurisdictions of the air and water. LAW = land+air+water. In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your “legal” statutes and acts are fictions, and they carry no jurisdiction over living men and women whatsoever who stand on the land and soil.

Let it be known there will be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Yorkshire County:
‘RE’SET”, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”

Maxim of Law: “It fraud to conceal a fraud and it is fraud to aid and abet fraud;

Therefore, if you are a person – ie a “resident”, a “voter”, a “citizen”, etc. – you have a conscious decision to make, for it we the people who are the government and not “corporations acting as persons”. Come and restore “your” government as we officially re-assemble. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum. The meeting details are listed above,
including the time of commencement: become involved in your Yorkshire Assembly – join us.

The agenda for the meeting will be the presentment of the Yorkshire Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for the approval and the announcement of the opening of nominations for
Yorkshire Business Assembly offices. The specifics of which will be discussed in the meeting.

In Peace and Harmony

Keith Davies;

Yorkshire Coordinator
[email protected]


The Lancashire Assembly

Notice to principals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.

To all peoples, persons, men, and women;

Original Proclamation: 22st August 2024

We, The Lancashire Assembly, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble, on

Sunday 22nd of September in the year 2024. 12:00 PM (BST)

at the following location:

Tickled Trout Hotel
New Road

Off Junction 31 M6

We will peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us.
With the authority of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated), and with the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary and hold her interest of all public assets of United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC, all public assets and utilities owed will be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity.

Let it be known that The Lancashire Assembly;

Is not incorporated or registered in any way.

Is a Lawful Government, for the people, of the people and by the people.

Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.

Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.

Is on the Land and Soil jurisdiction; the “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and is defined as a “territory”, the definition of a territory, is the water up to and including the shoreline, so the “government” has been acting in the jurisdictions of the air and water. LAW= land+air+water. In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your” legal” statutes and acts are fictions, and they carry no jurisdiction over living men and women whatsoever who stand on the land and soil.

Let It Be known, there will be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Lancashire County: “RE’SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal” https://

Maxim of Law: “It is fraud to conceal a fraud and it is fraud to aid and abet fraud;

Therefore, if you are a person- i.e. a “resident”, a “voter, a “citizen”, etc.- you have a conscious decision to make, for, it is the people who are the government and not “corporations acting as persons”. Come and restore “your” government as we officially re-assemble. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum. The meeting details are listed above, including the time of commencement: become involved in your Lancashire General Assembly join us.

The agenda for the meeting will be the presentment of the Lancashire Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Recording Secretary seals for approval and the announcement the opening of nominations for Lancashire Business Assembly offices. The specifics of which will be discussed in the meeting.

In Peace and Harmony,

Gregory Allen
Lancashire Coordinator


The Hampshire Assembly

2nd August 2024

      The Hampshire Assembly Coordinator – [email protected]

Public Lawful Announcement

Elections for The Hampshire Assembly Public Officials

Special Elections are ongoing until vacant positions are filled.

Please be advised that: This Public Lawful Announcement is to populate vacant official positions for The Hampshire Assembly. Hampshire General Assembly Executive Officials, Four Pillar Assembly Officials, Recording Secretary nominations are to be voted on at the first meeting on 3rd September 2024. Additionally, The Common Law Courts within the physical boundaries of England are established and confirming the fact that The Hampshire Assembly is in Session.

We the People will be holding an election for the Hampshire Public Officials held by video conferencing on 3rd September 2024, beginning at 6:00PM, BST. There will be a brief presentation starting at 6:00PM and the election by yays, nays or abstains will be at 6:30PM. All qualified electors are invited to the election for The Hampshire Assembly.

Ongoing Special Elections Announcements will be published to The Hampshire Assembly members.

Must be a qualified elector: Hampshire County Citizen or Hampshire County National living on Hampshire for at least one year and a day.

UK Citizens (Territorial) and Citizens of the UK (Municipal) are owed no Constitutional guarantees and are not eligible electors.

End Announcement


Notice to principlals is notice to agents, notice to agents is notice to principals.
To all peoples, persons, men, and women, male, and female;
Original Proclamation: 3rd June 2024

We, The Hampshire Assembly, would like to extend a warm invitation to you to gather with us to assemble, on the

5th of July in the year 2024. 12:00 PM (BST).

We will peaceably Assemble on the land and soil, in order to establish our lawful jurisdiction, and we invite you to join us.

With the authority of the Lawful Government of The United States of America (unincorporated), and with the full support of Superior Court Justice, (non-Bar member) Anna Maria Reizinger, being the irrefutable fiduciary and hold her interest of all public assets of United Kingdom, Inc and UNITED KINGDOM, INC, all public assets and utilities owed will be transferred to the people as soon as the pillars of the Assembly are functioning in their Lawful capacity

Let it be known;


The Hampshire Assembly;

    • Is not incorporated or registered in any way.
    • is a Lawful Government, for the people, of the people and by the people.
    • Is not subservient to, or influenced by, any service corporations self-defining as Government Authority.
    • Is on the Land and Soil jurisdiction; the “United Kingdom” is Incorporated, and is defined as a “territory”, the definition of a territory, is the water up to and including the shoreline, so the “government” has been acting in the jurisdictions of the air and water. LAW= land+air+water. In natural law, if you are not standing on the land, you do not have a legal leg to stand on. Therefore, all your” legal” statutes and acts are fictions, and they carry no jurisdiction over living men and women whatsoever who stand on the land and soil.
    • Let It Be known, there will be no economic “reset” on the land and soil of Hampshire County: “RE’SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harbouring of an outlaw or a criminal”

Maxim of Law: “It is fraud to conceal a fraud and it is fraud to aid and abet fraud

Therefore, if you are a person- i.e. a “resident”, a “voter, a “citizen”, etc.- you have a conscious decision to make, for, it is the people who are the government and not “corporations acting as persons”. Come and restore “your” government as we officially re-assemble. If you have established your status as a living English National, then your active participation is welcomed. Pax Vobiscum. The meeting details are listed above, including the time of commencement: become involved in your Hampshire General Assembly join us.

The agenda for the meeting will be the presentment of the Hampshire Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdicition and Recording Secretary seals for approval and the announcement the opening of nominations for Hampshire Business Assembly offices. The specifics of which will be discussed in the meeting.

In Peace and Harmony,

Geoffrey Robert Cook
Hampshire Coordinator